Write For Us

We are always looking for talented writers to contribute to our motivational and educational blog. If you have a story to tell, an idea to share, or a lesson to teach, we want to hear from you. We are looking for well-written, informative, and inspiring articles that will appeal to our readers. We are open to a wide range of topics, including:

  • Personal development
  • Self-help
  • Education
  • Career development
  • Business
  • Health and wellness
  • Relationships
  • Spirituality
  • And more!

Guest Post Submission Guidelines at Wisdomword.in

  • Content Length- Content length should be atleast 500 words. Above that will be a Plus in approval.
  • Content Category- Category choices are Habits, Inspirational Stories, Productivity, Motivation, Career making, Entrepreneurship and Personal Development.
  • Make your content Easy to read, by dividing it into sub-points or sub headings. Lengthy paragraphs are too boring to read.
  • Using Images- mention the images source along with the content if you need any.
  • Backlink Policy- Only 1 backlink will be given to your website that too will be no-follow. For Do-follow backlink you will have to be premium contributor on blog.

How to Submit Free Guest Post At Wisdomword.in

To Submit your content on our blog, you simply need to drop an email at- wisdomwordindia@gmail.com. Make Sure you add Guest Post Submissions in your Subject line.

We will try to revert you ASAP.

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